Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: June 17, 2015
Don't Toy With Fate
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's time for Doctor Fate to get all up in our faces with his own title, but don't go expecting that bad ass Doctor Fate from Earth 2 here. No, instead we'll get a Earth-0 version who's just a kid dealing with kid things..........like going to med school......okay maybe not everyday kid things, but younger things that I don't fully understand anymore because of my age and my shut-in nature. What we saw from the Sneak Peek is, Anubis is tired of all of us sucking the way we do and is going to cause a flood to wipe out mankind....... or New York, either way, you get the gist. Now only if we had a Doctor Fate around to save our asses. Let's get into this issue and see if we do.
Explain It!:
Our issue doesn't screw around with getting us right to the point and showing our hero Khalid inside the Brooklyn Museum, being offered the helm of Fate by a statue or something. You all better know your ancient Egyptian gods going in because this book won't hold your hand as it throws names at you like you were close acquaintances with them in college. As you'd expect from reasonable thinking, Khalid believes that he's been dosed with acid and high tails it out of there and makes his way home. Now, knowing that you just saw some unreasonable shit at a museum, would you perhaps jump down on a subway track when a lousy mother allows her child to fall on the tracks? Well, you're probably a better person than me so your answer doesn't matter. What matters is, Khalid jumps down and saves the child, but before he could get back up, the train comes speeding towards him. Luckily, Khalid seems to be protected or pulled some magic out of his ass and makes the train stop before creaming him. The weirdest part about all of this though was when Khalid saves the girl, the mother says "Thank G-D." We're getting Egyptian gods thrown at us left and right, but the book won't say god? No, I'm not getting all preachy on you, I just found it to be an odd choice.
After Khalid magically saves himself, he's met by his pet cat, who appears to be imbued with the goddess Bastet and after all the craziness that Khalid has dealt with today, why not follow a talking cat back to the museum and begin sporting a helmet? Even though we just saw the cat across town at his parents house, but I guess that doesn't matter.......MAGIC! So Bastet breaks down what's going on to Khalid and how he has the blood of the Pharaohs running through him and that he's the only one who can stop Anubis and his plan on wiping out mankind. You know the basic sales pitch. So Khalid accepts and puts on the helmet and immediately begins feeling the power flow through him and since Bastet allowed Khalid to see the truth and because no one worships her anymore, her time is over and she moves on to be recreated.
In the end, with all the power of Fate at his disposal, Khalid simply flies around and gets stuck up on a bridge when he decides to take the helmet off. So it looks like Nabu isn't in control of this Fate. So not much going on with our hero except for him being really confused and as our issue closes we see Anubis take out his rage on Khalid's taxi driver father, by making a tree fall over on his car. The ending is a bit weird though because Khalid's father, Mohammed had a fair he was taking to JFK, but after the tree crunched the car, we see the fair get out and say that Mohammed shouldn't have left Egypt. So either he was always an agent of Anubis, or Anubis took this opportunity to possess the man during the commotion.
That's it for this first issue of Doctor Fate and as much as I love this character, I couldn't get into this book. There was no character development anywhere in this book besides for Khalid being paranoid about being on drugs and we're just supposed to accept this early 20's guy as Doctor Fate because he happens to have the first name of our Earth 2 Fate and has the last name of our Golden Age one........that's right, his name is Khalid Nelson and I'd like to know what part of Egypt his father was from with the last name Nelson. This sounds like just a bunch of nitpicky nonsense, but all we have are Egyptian gods damning man and a young guy putting on a helmet eventually and that's it. I wasn't a fan of the art and I don't know if this hoodie wearing Doctor Fate is something that I could ever get into.
Bits and Pieces:
We're just thrown into the deep end with this issue as we see Khalid being offered the helm of Fate, but nothing that happens in this issue really makes me want to see more of these characters or even care if Khalid continues being Doctor Fate. There was no character development to be found and with an entire spread page dedicated to Khalid talking to his girlfriend via text, I kind of hope that Anubis wipes out mankind. That's a bit harsh, but I just wasn't a fan of this story or the art.
Yeah this was not the best start of his run, and i truly hope it gets better.
ReplyDeleteI have a theory on the name thing though...His mother DEFINETLY looks like shes not from egypt. In the preview his name was stated as Khalid Nassour...I think he was called Khalid Nelson cuz it was his mothers maiden name, and his father could have just died in that last panel. I know that shouldn't matter, but bear in mind we don't know how egyptian gods think
also I liked the art, especially the color scheme, how most of this setting is dark, but the moment magic is involved it becomes a whole lot more colorful
I sat here for awhile trying to think of a reasonable explanation to the name bit, but nothing came to me and it made me angry.
DeleteMaybe the Nassour family americanized the name to Nelson.
DeleteAfter reading this review, I'm happy that I passed on it. I love DR FATE but, between his reboot as yet another student/fledgling superhero (i only had patience for one book like it this week and went with DOOMED) and the fact that Paul Levitz hasn't written anything I've enjoyed in quite a few years, I couldn't bring myself to buy it. Thank you for the review...
Why? The general consensus is that it's a good book. I mean I know everyone has people that they like to see reviews from but doesn't it make more sense to see the majority of reviews. I may be the only one but usually I take a bunch of sites and then find the
DeleteAverage rating.
DeleteThen again outliers usually are more honest than others so idk
DeleteTrevor, have you checked out comic book roundup? It collects all the reviews and gives you an average...Eric and myself go there all the time to check out other people's reviews.
DeleteI don't think 4.5/10 is a terrible review, and I would agree with most of Eric's points. Not a terrible book, by any means, but it didn't get me super excited to keep reading, which it should have. I'll linger on with this one a bit, but if it doesn't ramp up I can see just letting it fall to the wayside.
DeleteTrevor: First, if I went by books with high average only, I'd read nothing but the most popular books and wouldn't read half of what I enjoy.
ReplyDeleteSecond, if you read my comment, you'd see that the review had nothing to do with my decision to avoid the book (it was mostly the fact that I haven't enjoyed Mr.Levitz's work sure some time). I like this page, in particular, because the reviewers' tastes, more often than not, fall in line with my own. Therefore, it's a pretty safe bet that my decision to avoid the book was a good one, for me.
I get what you're saying but, sometimes I know better than to let poplar opinion sway my decision.
I agree, except I thought you liked our reviews for the killer insight and the puppet master references!
DeleteOn a side note, I just read Dr. Fate to get ready for our Podcast and I kind of liked it. As they say, "there is no accounting for taste" which makes reviewing things fun and scary!
Alright, Jim. Maybe i'll give it a shot after all. Next week is a, rare, lite week for me, as far as my pull list is concerned. Perhaps, rather than save a couple of dollars (gods, no! That would be responsible) i'll give DR FATE a try.
ReplyDeleteOf course i'll hold you responsible if I don't like it... for your"kind of liked it" made it irresistible and impossible to pass on again. If I like it, my wallet shall resent you...because my completist, ocd mentality will compel me to purchase CONVERGENCE: AQUAMAN #2 for the sneak peek (no, the free digital copy will not suffice). Then, of course, I'll HAVE TO buy CONVERGENCE: AQUAMAN #1 because I might a s well spend $4 more to have THAT whole story. So...thanks.
PS - and, yeah, PUPPET MASTER references can't do anything but make ANY web page better. Because, c'mon, a drill headed killer puppet...
that is one slippery slope! I hope you like Dr. Fate enough to want to kill me.
Deletei meant to not kill me! Please don' kill me!!!
DeleteWell it has promise if it actually takes its time to actually flesh out its world, not just throw people at the deep end Like this one. Hopefully the writer has seen reviews for this and is correcting his mistake with issue 2
ReplyDeletei agree...I like the fresh take, but it does need some work still