I am practically in love with the DC Multiverse! So many different stories and versions of characters impress and challenge the imagination of the reader. What if the League was evil? Hop on over to Earth-3 and take a look. What if they were born in Victorian England? Join Earth 19's Wonder Woman and Batman to learn! The lovers of the Multiverse were given a gift from the brilliant Grant Morrison with his most recent series: THE MULTIVERSITY! We have seen a map of this multiverse, and in January, a guidebook to the crazy multiverse that makes up DC comics was released to the public. However, in both the map and the book, there was a missing piece...actually SEVEN missing pieces. There were 7 earths that were kept hidden! In this week's Fanboy Theories, I am going to explain what I think these hidden earths could be.
Earth 14: Injustice

Earth 24: Batman Miller-Verse

This one needs less explanation as the others, but for good reason. At the end of Flashpoint, the Atlanteans used that earth's version of Geo-Force to defeat the Amazons. The world however turned out to be very fragile, and when the former Outsider used his power, it began cracking the world in two. Flash runs off to fix the timeline as the earth he left behind is destroyed...or did it? Those who just read the main series of the event might not know that Abin Sur, the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 who survived in this timeline, was searching for the White Entity for the Guardians. In the end, he finds it, just after the Guardians "fire" him. The Entity enters him, giving him the power of the White Lantern, and he flies off to space to hold the crumbling earth together. Because of the time paradox, as well as the ultimate White Lantern holding it all together, gives this earth the chance to still be alive out there.
Earth 27: Smallville

Earth 28: Gods and Monsters
To those who haven't heard, the next DC Animated Movie is an Elseworld's story that revolves around a more volatile and violent Justice League. The members are Superman(The Son of Zod raised by a Mexican immigrant farming couple), Wonder Woman(Bekka of the New Gods), and Batman(Kirk Langstrom, a Vampire-esque version rather than Man-Bat). For this story, Bruce Timm(The brilliant mind behind the DC Animated Universe) has announced that there will be comics centered around their world(specifically a series for each of the members leading into a team up), an action figure line, as well as a three part miniseries called Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles on the Machinima website which apparently lead into the movie...This seems like a LOT of work put into just an elseworld, doesn't it? This is an interesting take on the league, created by a man who made some of the greatest animated series of all time. This is a relatively new development, but its still a fun theory to be in the multiverse.

Earth 46: Justice League 3000
If you haven't had a chance to read the hilarious exploits of the Justice League 3000, but its been one heck of a ride so far. We are introduced to new versions of some of the greatest heroes, coming up with some humorous situations. We learn after the first volume however Ted Kord and Booster Gold are present in the future, after being found frozen...Ted Kord also talks about Elongated Man and Maxwell Lord...All three supposedly either written out of continuity or haven't been fully stepped into their roles in the case of Kord. Also if this was the future Earth-0, that makes THREE Boosters on this earth, as he makes no reference to the other Booster, and doesn't know Kord. This has to be a different earth from the norm, and by extension SOMEWHERE in the multiverse. There is just one tiny inconsistency that could debunk this earth...Isn't Darkseid supposed to be the same everywhere since he's a god? If so, WHY IS HE A HEAD IN A JAR!

As I stated last week, this is just my theories on the hidden multiverse earths. If you have an opinion on my theories, or your own theories on the hidden earths, leave a comment below and I'll seeya all later!
Personally I think their going to try coming up with some sort of loophole to keep some of these worlds without making them a part of the multiverse. How they will pull it off, I have no idea. But it seems plausible.