Heloooooooo Everybody and welcome to Weird Science DC Comics News, the leading written podcast that's on a blog that wants to be a site. For all you Americans out there, Happy Fourth of July Weekend. To all you Canadians, Happy Canada Day. I was in Canada once. I went to the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. I kissed the Stanley Cup (and got yelled at), saw a bunch of Rocket Richard pictures and had a grand old time. Toronto was a really cool city, but our time there started with a weird breakfast. Now, there was about 12 guys from my hockey team from the Philadelphia area on the trip, half of which were wearing Flyers Jerseys. I'm a lifelong Penguins fan because I have good taste, but I digress. So, 12 meatheads, obviously from the Philadelphia area and the waiter comes over and says, "You guys from Toronto, eh?" Okay, maybe he didn't say "eh", but I'd like to think he did. We all just looked at him in confusion while he gave us our menus. I looked at the menu and saw "peameal bacon". I had never heard of peameal bacon, so when the waiter returned I asked him what it was. He responded, "It's peameal bacon". Then I said, "but what's peameal bacon" to which he replied, "It's peamaeal bacon." I was going to get it anyway, but I thought maybe Ashton was in Toronto that day and I was getting Punk'd. That's a lie, Punk'd was probably 6 years from gracing us with it's awesome presence. I had my chance to try peameal bacon that day and let it slip through my fingers because of my ignorance and a pretty lousy waiter. The moral of the story, The minute you discover a cock fighting ring in your basement, go to the cops, don't try to stop it yourself. Those cock fighting guys are pretty tough.
Okay, enough about me. Guess what we have this week? Actual news!!! I'm not talking about the Vampire Diaries writers doing the comic kind of news, either. Nope. Honest to goodness DC Comics News. Imagine that. And so, with plenty of Ado,
On With The News...