This is a tough week here at Weird Science. Each year on this weekend, Eric goes to visit his Father's grave. I have only known Eric for a couple years, but when I started working with him, our common love of everything 80's made us fast friends. We spend most of our day (actually, more like all) talking about cheesy movies, awesome cartoons and toys from when we were kids. That always leads to Eric saying, "My Dad introduced me to that", "My Dad made me watch that", "My Dad bought me that". His Dad really seemed to be
a little kid, himself. I guess Eric got more from him than his freakish height. I don't know much about Eric's Dad and their relationship, but when he talks about this stuff, I can tell how much he loved him and also how much he still misses him. If we ever get off our asses and start our podcast, you will hear plenty of great stories about him. Two of the best are his idea of what the Star Wars Prequels were about and the names of the Puppets in the Puppet Master movies. Classics.
The funny thing about me is that I took to these sorts of things as a way to escape my family life. Don't get me wrong, my Parent's weren't mean, they just didn't pay much attention to me. That coupled with a major social anxiety lead me to sitting in my room watching movies and cartoons...alot. It's kind of a weird way the two of us ended up loving the same things from two completely different paths. I wish things would of been different, especially for Eric, but I'm glad they ended up this way.
On With the News...