Aquaman and the Others
Infinity Man and the Forever People
Secret Origins
Star-Spangled War Stories Featuring G.I. Zombie
Trinity of Sin
Worlds’ Finest
Arkham Manor
Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern: New Guardians
Red Lanterns
Swamp Thing
The canceling of the Lantern titles is a complete shock to me. I'm also a bit surprised at the short leash DC gave Klarion, Arkham Manor and Trinity of Sin. Of the remaining books, I'm sad to see Batwoman and Swamp Thing get canceled. I enjoyed Marc Andreyko's run of Batwoman and I'm hoping his current "Others" arc finishes strong. As for Swamp Thing, once Charles Soule signed with Marvel, I was pretty sure DC would cancel the book. Soule and Scott Snyder really made this book a must read from the start of the New 52.
It's always sad to see any book get canceled, but I'm excited to see what DC has in store when the monthly books return in June. Maybe there is hope for a Cyborg and Shazam book after all.
I think arkham manor was always meant to be a miniseries and hopefully DC will give us a weekly green lantern book
ReplyDeleteInfinity man no.... :(
ReplyDeleteWhy are they essentially nuking the lantern books?
Maybe the emotional spectrum will be destroyed during convergence. Leaving Alan Scott as the only green lantern
Delete...or maybe something happens near the end of Godhead
DeleteAkrham Manor makes perfect sense to me. After I got done the first issue it seemed that after Bruce finds out who the killer in the Manor is........ The story is completely over. As for Swamp Thing, Batwoman, Aquaman and The Others, Worlds' Finest and Infinity Man, well those books were heading towards the cancellation chopping block anyway so pulling the trigger on them wasn't too alarming. I really think that this is due to Marvel having 8 out of the top 10 selling books last month and DC wants to do a big overhaul and get people excited again.
ReplyDeleteAnd whats your thought of the lantern books?
DeleteHa ha, that shit is just crazy. I don't know what's going on there unless it's apart of that big shake up I'm hypothesising. I'm really not trying to think about it too much because it's still so new and it still hurts so much.
Deletei have this suspicion it has something to do with godhead... like something there is gonna decimate the lanterns(well more so, since theyve lost at every turn against the newgods)
DeleteGodhead ends this month and red lantern 40 solicits indicate a new direction for guy gardener.. I hope Simon baz gets a book
DeleteI'm thinking some serious shit goes down though. Without going back to double check my facts here because that just sounds tedious and awful, I think that most of the events from the Lantern Futures End titles were a result from what happened in GODHEAD. Leaving us completely open to get Simon Baz on board for his new book because I didn't see him all fucked up in the future, which really could be a good thing or a bad thing, but a Baz book nonetheless. Also would love if we dropped the Green Lantern: New Guardians Title and just labelled it White Lantern or Kyle Rayner: White Lantern.
DeleteMaybe a new Blue Lantern Corps comic book with Guy Gardner (Futures end) and Saint Walker and a GL Weekly with Simon Baz, John Stewart and the rest of the corp
ReplyDeleteWhy not give all the spectrums a shot? We've done Green, Red, Orange and Yellow, let's give Star Sapphire a shot and bring the Blue Lanterns back.................. As for Indigo Tribe, well I'm not about to read a book that's dialog is completely "Nok".
DeleteI would love a Blue book and I'm with Eric, no Indigo...Nok.
DeleteNow i might be talking crazy...but i keep thinking about that font for the word God on the cover of the last GL Corps book...like whenever I see a cool font like that on another cover...it sometimes nods to an entire other series...
DeleteEverything is possible. Personally, i would love to see more about the Indigo Tribe, but, the usual "Nok" needs to be replaced by real dialogues. I would love to see Atrocitus comeback with his original face and spank that arrogant dumb redneck and kick him out to another corps. Aha! Atrocitus's red skull face was a terrible idea.
DeleteI would like to see the Red Lantern Corps get reformed, but it doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.
DeleteYou are in shock that so many Lantern titles were terminated?
ReplyDeleteIt must be a true shock since you kept giving them great reviews.
All of them became garbage.
I'm very happy that Red lanterns was canceled since Atrocitus was put aside to bring that ridiculous generic redneck as a Red lantern leader.
Swamp thing was ok, but, nothing special, therefore, it had to be canceled. I'm glad that Sinestro will continue, but, you never know if he will replace Sinestro as the greatest Yellow Corps leader after battering the inferior alien Sinestro. lol I really hope to see Guy Gardner out of the corps. So, they bring Simon Baz, an Arab to the corps and leave Native Americans out of it? Maybe, Native Americans don't exist in D.C. Comics.
uhm...*blinks looking over at Equinox, the CREE NATIVE AMERICAN member of justice league united and shrug*
Deletebut now back to you mr.anon. You might see the lantern series as garbage. But I, the guys here at weird science, and from what im gathering A LOT of people loved the lantern books. Guy gardner might not be my favorite lantern, but people do like him in charge. Also...Yellow corps...dear god man...you calling the Sinestro Corps that make them sound like the biggest bunch of pansies...
Actually, I don't review the Lantern Books, Eric does. I do enjoy Corps and I was shocked because DC got rid of 3 out of 5 Lantern titles and they weren't seeling that poorly. In fact, Corps sells around 34,000 and outsells Sinestro.
DeleteWe may disagree, but usually books get cancelled because of sales and get creative team changes because of quality. Of course, it's a slippery slope between quality and sales and eventually a shitty book will have poor sales. None of the Lantern books are in the range where DC cancels them.
I think you are writing off Swamp Thing too easily... it was canceled because of sales...sales that were poor because of the obscure nature of the book, not quality. You have every right to your own opinion, but I think you are in an extreme minority if you think it's a bad book.
Now, come out from behind your anonymous tag and join in, brother. You have some strong opinions and I like that.
Anon reveals himself to be Anton Arcane XD
DeleteOn the subject of Anton arcane I was re reading swamp thing and saw at the end of rotworld future version of arcane eating his past self.....anybody care to explain how time travel works anymore???
DeleteYou don't know? You eat your past self to make the future self one with your old self and then...Bang! Time Travel.
Delete*gasps* it all makes sense now!!
DeleteLook, i just saw good reviews around here about Red lanterns and that's it. Since Peter left, the direction given to the Red Corps was terrible and the sales speak volumes about it.
DeleteDear Jody, it seems clear that i was referring to the Corps and as you know, Equinox is not part of the Lantern Corps.
However, you speak like Equinox is some kind of major character. What has he done? Are you serious? He was in 4 books.
Native Americans are zero in D.C. comics. Aren't they Americans?
I love the lantern series, simply, i don't like the books since the wrath of the first lantern ended. That's my opinion.
People like so much to see Guy Gardner in charge that since he took over the Red Corps the sales declined a lot. Reds books came from near 40 thousand to 20 thousand and then, it got canceled. Sure, you belong to the majority.
It is true, Corps outsells Sinestro at the moment, but, let's be fair, Sinestro is a recent book. The others books declined while Sinestro sales increased a little bit. It is not over yet, is it? Furthermore, are you disputing the quality of the book? Are you saying that Cullen is not doing an outstanding job with Sinestro?
Exactly, books get canceled because of sales, and Red Corps sales were a joke for a long time since Peter left and the great Guy Gardner took over. The other lanterns books declined a lot recently, and probably that is the reason why they got canceled. I don't know, but, there was too much green in the franchise.
Actually, i'm enjoying Swamp thing, but, i don't see as nothing phenomenal, that's all. I like Charles Soule period, but, just because, i don't find the book amazing doesn't mean it is bad.
I think, it is a good book, but, i don't find Swamp Thing as a character very interesting.
Equinox is a lady ....but I have to say red lanterns got better after the introduction of guy gardener but I hated its ending...Charles soule is great and all but he needs to work on his endings
DeleteRed Lanterns sales were bad with Peter on the book. You're delusional.
DeleteRed Lanterns was always going to be a tough sell no matter who the writer is.
DeleteWas this a little Anonymous vs Anonymous battling?!?
DeleteShazam!*Calls down the thunder to silence all* POINT IS! No comic should get cancelled, especially if it has the potential for greatness. Red Lanterns are a hard sell, as in all honest Larfleeze was and probably a Blue Lantern book as well. Quality is important in a comic Mr.Anon1. I only read first 2 issues, but i did like sinestro. Anon2 is correct in that the red lanterns. Besides(not to spark another outburst here) but who would YOU the reader most likely relate to more..the big scary red alien who formed his ring out of the blood of his old team, or a human, who just like most humans, get angry
DeleteAll interesting. Big cancellations, but as seems apparent despite the gong of doom and the end of the publisher, it all seems to relate to their moving to Burbank. I'm sure the company is doing ok, though plainly the largest cash input from them is their licensing division for games, movies, anime, toys, lunch boxes. I'm pretty sure that the comics themselves are barely bringing in any cash.
ReplyDeleteSome of the comics (Batman, Justice League...) make them money, it's just that comics in general don't get the numbers compared to the other mediums...but without one there wouldn't be the other.