Art by: Bruno Redondo and Xermanico
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: September 30, 2014
Well, I'll be Someone's Uncle
Injustice is back, baby! I know it's only been a few weeks, but when you love something as much as I do this comic, any wait feels like an eternity. Well, the wait is over and if you are a fan of Injustice, you are probably wondering what kind of story Tom Taylor is going to give us this Year. Year one crazy action and death? Year Two slow burn character building? Maybe a combination...we'll call slow, crazy, action building death or something entirely new. Of course, I have no idea yet, but after reading this issue I can't wait to find out more.This issue starts off with a little recap of Year Two brought to us by Constantine. Yep, John Constantine. The best thing about this book and Tom Taylor is no matter how many characters pop up, they are done well. Constantine is no exception. He's in England and has a little secret he needs to keep hidden and there's only one place to turn...The Tower of Fate!
I'm hoping everyone has read all of Year Two and the awesome epilogue in the last issue. I won't spoil it, but what Doctor Fate did went beyond greatness. It also went beyond the rules he lives by which makes it that much greater. Well, we get to see the good Doctor again with the equally awesome Zatanna. They let Constantine in the Tower of Fate and agree to help with his secret. Injustice just got three hundred percent more mystical and I for one am thrilled. It opens up so many more avenues for Taylor to explore.
One such avenue involves a dark threat that Constantine felt back in England and he wants to figure it out and quick. Who better to help than the World's Greatest Detective? Long time DC fans are going to squeal with delight when they see the last page of this issue.
This issue gives the right mix of recap and setup that you'd expect. I love the new characters and can't wait to see them interact with the old crew. Magical sparks are sure to fly. The only problem I had is that this issue isn't more new reader friendly. Of course, if anyone asked me where to start reading, I'd send them all the way back to Year One, but it would be nice to allow curious souls to jump in here and get their feet wet.
Bruno Redondo and Xermanico team up to make one great looking issue. Constantine looks a bit like Chris Pratt (I don't think that's a bad thing, by the way) and Zatanna and Doctor Fate look as awesome as ever. The final page steal the show, however and I can't wait to see what Taylor and the art team does with the character.
Bits and Pieces:
Year Three has started and I'm thrilled. Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo and Xermanico are already running on all cylinders with an issue that looks great and makes me want If your already a fan, you'll be thrilled by where the book is going. If you're new, go back and read from the beginning. Either way, you won't be disappointed.
DC needs to make an Injustice animated movie. No buts; it needs to just get done.
ReplyDeleteI so agree. It is just a great book, plain and simple. Let's just hope they don't let Tom Taylor go fully over to Marvel and lose another great writer.