Art by: Andrea Sorrentino
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 3, 2014

Long Live Green Arrow
The September Futures End Event has just started and I have to admit, I can't help but feel let down already. I won't mention any titles (*cough* Grayson *cough* Action Comics), but everything I've read is far from essential reading for the regular series run or the Futures End story. I guess I should have started with Green Arrow because it is both. It is a great, but sad farewell to Lemire and Sorrentino's stellar Green Arrow run and is required reading for Futures End fans.
I usually try my best to keep spoilers out of my reviews (unlike certain Weird Science writers named Eric Shea), but this one is going to spoil the crap out of this issue, Futures End #1 and #18. Proceed with caution and don't get mad at me...also don't get upset about the spoilers.
Green Arrow is dead, long live Green Arrow. The issue opens with Emiko wearing the hood along with her trusty sidekick, Naomi. There are not many writers that can take away a beloved hero and make the replacement as good (if not better), but Jeff Lemire does it. I can't get enough Emiko and love her as Green Arrow. She's sassy and brash and 100% fun. Her and Naomi (known as "Dart") take down the Vertigo Cult and even though it only takes a couple of panels, it's a scene that most books would die for. The issue has just begun and I already miss Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino.
After a job well done, they head back to the Arrow Cave (which should be called the "Quiver") and the issue goes off-the-rails awesome. They have a visitor and his name is Oliver Queen. What?!?!
It's a jaw dropping scene, especially for those keeping up with Futures End. The rest of the comic sets up and explains so much that happened, is happening and will happen in Futures End. That's all well and good, but the way Jeff Lemire presents it makes so much sense. Everything fits neatly in to place with nothing being forced at all.
Jeff Lemire does such a great job, but he does have an advantage over some of the other writers. He is the regular writer of the series and is one of the main archetects of the Futures End story. He not only knows the overall picture, he helped write it. It's no wonder this book fits so well.
Back to the issue, fans of the Outsiders are going to be so happy, we see Deathstroke kill Ollie again and the cliffhanger helps set up Futures End going forward. This is how you write an event tie-in.
Andrea Sorrentino knows his way around the art supplies. I get more specific, but I really don't know the actual items. What I do know is that when this guy puts them to paper, magic happens. He is my favorite artist in comics and I'm so sad he is leaving this book.
Bits and Pieces:
Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino have given fans an awesome Green Arrow and Futures End issue. The way these two work together it just isn't fair to other creators. They are so good and while it's sad this is their last issue, it's a great sendoff. Highly Recommended.
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