Cover Price: $1.99
Release Date: June 18, 2014
On Track
Well, it took three issues, but I'm finally on board with this book. Don't get me wrong, the first two issues weren't awful, they just didn't have the spark that I expected from Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman, especially given the source material. I mentioned in my review for the last issue that I hoped that it was just the case of the two getting warmed up for the long haul of a 12 issue run. If this issue is any indication, they have warmed up and then some. The two give us the campy humor and funny dialogue I had hoped for and of course we continue to get Ty Templeton's awesome art. This may turn into something special after all.
Last issue ended with both sets of Heroes in a bit of a sticky situation. General Gumm glued them to the top of a speeding train heading for a tunnel and certain death. How they get out of the situation is ridiculous, absurd and totally awesome. This is what I've been waiting for...fun.
Then Smith and Garman get down to business and by that I mean they deliver some of the funniest dialogue I've read in quite some time. What makes it so great (besides being plain hilarious) is that they nail the voices of the characters so well. Batman quotes Aldai Stevenson while hanging on the Batcopter rope ladder with bare feet. Please take a moment and let that sink in. Even with that, my favorite moment is Kato getting pissed off that Miss Case is driving the Black Beauty. Priceless.
Speaking of Priceless, General Gumm is going through his plunder and the reason for what he did is so ridiculous. You see the trend here? It's great, but not a great as his partner in crime. Yep, there is another villain and while I hope this isn't the last Rogue we see, it's the best.
What's also the best is Ty Templeton's art. When I think of Batman '66 I think of Templeton. He makes everything clean, easy to follow and awesome. Kudos also go to the motion aspect of the comic. It can get annoying when overused, but this issue nails it. It enhances the comic without being distracting.
Bits and Pieces:
I loved this issue and that's something I've wanted to say from the start. We finally get the absurd situations and humor that this teamup promised. Ty Templeton's art is just the icing on the cake. I can't wait for the next issue and more laughs. Highly recommended.
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