Art by: Aron Elekes
Cover Price: $1.99
Release Date: Available Now in App Store (here) and May 28, 2014 on Comixology
Everyone Wants to be Special, Don't They?
In the future, no one is special, but Liz Wynter knows better. What happens when you don't listen to the voice in your head and instead do the unpredictable?
Liz Wynter is not special. In fact, an app in her head constantly reminds her. Every action, every thought, basically everything can be determined based on past situations and formulas. The Government likes it that way, in fact they demand it. How else can they control the thousands of worlds under their rule? However, what happens when someone breaks the rules? Doesn't everyone want to be special?
Guy Hasson has crafted a very disturbing world. Disturbing, because you can see the beginnings in our everyday life. Twitter, Google Glass, apps, long before we have a neural implant to do it all? Throw in a Big Brother Government (which again, isn't a stretch) and we have a world I wouldn't want to live in. However, this is exactly the places that Sci Fi fans like to visit.

The story flows organically from the conflict of the main character and the world she is in. Liz wants to be special in a world where that's forbidden. While some may find the pacing a little slow at first, the book benefits from it by the end. Hasson lets the reader see the average routine and needs of Liz and when we get invested in her, pulls the rug out from under her and the readers feet. If the main goal of a first issue is to get the reader to come back for more then mission accomplished. I really want to see what happens next.
Aron Elekes' art is great. It's a painted style that immediately jumps out and impresses. Though, it may be a little dark at times, it fits the story and the world. This issue is a little static and I can't wait to see how his style fits a more action oriented issue. I also have to give him credit for the best Judge Judy I've seen in comics.
Bits and Pieces:
Wynter #1 is a really good start to a new series. Anyone looking for a dark, mature, dystopian sci fi story need look no further. Guy Hasson and Aron Elekes have started something special here and I am looking forward to reading more. Highly Recommended.
You can visit New World Comics Website HERE for more information on the company and their comics.
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