Dan Jurgens is Writing Booster Gold
Jurgens let it leak that he is indeed writing the September's Booster Gold Futures End issue. I like Jurgens and love Booster Gold so I can't wait. I also told Eric that I thought a Booster Gold monthly would follow and there are rumors that is the case. Let's cross our collective fingers because you know that will make it so.
Mike Allred's Batman '66 Variants Rock

And I don't just mean the Wonder Woman #31 with Diana going all Pete Townsend on a guitar. Various outlets are previewing the covers and they all look so good. I have been a big fan of the Batman '66 comic and most of that love comes from the campy art. My personal favorite: Justice League Dark #31. Comics Alliance has a great preview HERE.

As I mentioned above, I love free stuff. When Eric told me about July 23rd being Batman Day, I thought "Great, Batman Day" and then got back to fun stuff like work. Then he told me there would be free stuff and I danced the Batusi and yelled, "I can't wait for Batman Day" while my coworkers shook their collective heads. Here is a list of the items you can nab in July:
- 75th Batman Anniversary Bag (a bag? I guess you need something to hold the other stuff in)
- Batman Graphics Novel Bookmark (getting warmer)
- History of Batman Timeline Poster and Graphic Novel Poster ( hotter)
- Batman Masks (Now we're talking)
- Batman Cape (Okay, now I can't wait!)
I can't wait to see grown men running out of the comic shop with a Batman bag full of posters wearing a paper Batman mask and cape. When I do I'll be yelling, "Eric, watch out for traffic, you dummy!"

When All Star Western is canceled in August we will all be sad...Anyone who has a problem with Wally West's race should join Donald Sterling on a boat ride to nowhere...How long will DC make us wait until they announce the Shazam monthly...Catwoman may be the funniest comic on the shelves today...I will not be surprised if DC puts Jeff Parker on Wonder Woman once Azzarello is finished...Bruno Redondo is an unknown gem of an artist...More people need to read Batwing...
Sorry for the slow week, but I report the news not make it, dammit! As always, Another Week Another News...Mooch Master J...Out!!!
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