Art by: Jeremy Haun and Francis Manapul
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: January 22. 2014
Identity Crisis
I mentioned in last month's review of Batwoman that it was a good jumping on point for new readers. I can't say the same for this issue. In fact, after the beginning bit that picks up right where last issue ends, everything goes cuckoo for cocoa puffs. I'm not saying it was bad, it just was confusing, especially for new readers who don't know Kate's colorful history.
Meanwhile, we get a little more peak into who Wolf Spider is and who is actually pulling the strings. Wolf Spider is intriguing to me because he doesn't seem cut and dry evil. I'm interested in seeing more of him and possibly who is under the mask.
Speaking of under the mask (transition folks!), the ending of the issue promises to make life alot more interesting for Kate and Maggie's relationship.
Jeremy Haun and Francis Manapul join together on the art and it's fantastic. There are so many trippy full page spreads during Kate's drug induced dream and though they may be a bit confusing, they are interesting. This is one of those issues that non comic book readers may glance at and wonder what they've been missing all these years.
Batwoman #27 is a good book that looks great. It may be a bit confusing at points, but I can still recommend to Batwoman fans. The ending changes everything for Kate and Maggie's relationship. That and the many full spreads are worth the price of admission alone.
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