Art by: Thony Silas
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: January 4, 2013
The Bat Men Part 3 of 7: Apprehensive Allies
Last issue left us with Bruce Wayne joining up with Terry to go after Batman's old foe, Kirk Langstrom. The problem is, Terry is mad at Bruce's lack of trust and Bruce thinks that the Man Bat problem Gotham is experiencing is Terry and Dick Grayson's fault . Both have a point. Meanwhile, Dick and Barbara talk like the old days and Man Bat has himself a new lady love.

Thony Silas' art is as good as usual. Seriously, from now on let's just assume it's awesome and get on with it. Joking aside, the best thing about his art is the consistancy of quality. I wish DC would wise up and keep the same artist on the same books on the digital side.
Bits and Pieces:
Batman Beyond 2.0 #11 is all about relationships, strained, old and blosoming. Though it lacks action, Higgins and Silas give us the same quality read they have since the book started. I am looking forward to the story moving a little faster, but for now I'll enjoy these little character moments because they are sure to pay off down the road.
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