Art by: Moritat
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 27, 2013
Crazy Sexy Cool
I have to admit that I didn't pick up All-Star Western until Booster Gold showed up in the "WTF" issue #19. I'm so glad I did because after that issue I went back and read it from the beginning and realized I had been missing out on one of the best books in the New 52. Since then, All-Star Western has become my "fun" book and issue #25 continues the good times.

The star of this issue may well be Moritat, though. I criticized his art in last issue, but he came back with a vengeance here. His gritty style fits the mystical-zombie-demon action to a tee and there is a splash page that deserves to be framed and displayed.
Bits and Pieces:
Bits and Pieces:
All-Star Western #25 takes the fun of Jonah Hex in the Present, adds the mystical and throws in two of the coolest characters in the New 52 to create a great issue. I was getting wary of Jonah just shooting his way through our time, but the addition of magic is brilliant. Everything is so fun and fresh that everyone needs to read this book.
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