Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Adventures of Superman #27 (2013) Review

Flowers for Bizarro Part 3 of 3

Written by: Christos Gage
Art by: Eduardo Francisco
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 29, 2013

Bizarro has been given a new lease on life.  Thanks to a medical breakthrough he has been able to think and act normal.  No more talking like a caveman or doing the opposite of what he says or Superman does.  No, he is actually becoming equal to Superman, but more importantly, he has become his friend.

The end of issue #26 showed that maybe Bizarro wasn't as "cured" as the reader thought or hoped.  Issue #27 starts with Superman and Bizarro attempting to save a crashing jet airliner.  Unfortunately, Bizarro can't seem to follow Superman's direction...he is doing the OPPOSITE!  Uh oh.

Like the previous two issues of this arc, I thought I saw what Christos Gage had come.  I was wrong again.  This wasn't a story as simple as Bizarro losing his mind and becoming bad again.  No, Gage gives us so much more.  It's both touching and thrilling.  This little three-story arc has become one of my favorite Bizarro tales.  The ending is so good.  Bizarro ends up where he belongs and with whom he deserves.  It is such a good reveal that will make Bizarro fans smile from ear to ear,

The art of Eduardo Francisco is great again. The action scenes are outstanding and Bizarro and Superman look just right.  I wish there were a little more vibrant colors to contrast the grey of Bizarro, but you can't have everything.

Bits and Pieces:

Adventures of Superman #27 is a great end to a great arc.  Christos Gage and Eduardo Francisco have created one of the best Bizarro tales I have ever read.  The last panel shows Bizarro with a big smile on his face and I was doing the exact same thing...not the opposite. Highly Recommended.


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