He Thinks He's a Real Badass
Written by: Dan JurgensArt by: Lee Weeks, Stephen Segovia, Scott Hanna, Art Thibert, Jay Leisten and Jeromy Cox
Cover Price: $3.99

I just got done reviewing the new Action Comics and in my introduction for that comic, I said that the Super League story is one of the best Superman stories since the beginning of the New 52 and when I was writing that, I was thinking of this book as one of the others I've enjoyed. If you were hanging out around these parts during Convergence, then it's no shock that I love this book. Dan Jurgens wowed me during that mostly disappointing event and his story of the Pre-Flashpoint (Post- Crisis?) Lois and Clark and now that little Jon has joined the mix, I love it even more. After last issue, I can't see that changing anytime soon. Why? Because Jon has his powers...or just a very unfortunate case of congenital analgesia. I'm betting it's powers and I want to see more, more, more! Do I get my wish and is it awesome? Let's find out...
The issue starts with the customary "several years ago" scene and this one is just plain awesome in a cute way as we finally learn the definitive answer to who is faster, Flash or Superman. Okay, maybe not definitive, but I'm going with it. We also see the beginnings of Author X's published career and it's nice to see even if we know the trouble it will cause down the road.
"Down the road" becomes "now" as we get to see what I've been waiting for a whole month to see, Jon reaching through the flames to save his mom and himself from certain death. His hoodie must have powers as well (I'm nitpicking)...hopefully it's bulletproof because Bruno's men are still around and they are packing heat.
Unfortunately, we head over to see what Clark and Blackrock are up to. This whole Bad Ass Nation reality show plot line has been the only blemish this whole series and while I understand that it's only here to delay Clark, that doesn't mean I have to like it. After what might be a jab at Iron Man and a attack at our famous for being famous society, Clark flies off and so do we...to see what Hyathis and Hank Henshaw are doing.
Dan Jurgens had been giving us a slow burn story for so many issues, but that is over. This issue cruises along at breakneck speed, but he still manages to make every scene important to this issue, and to everything we've already seen. He has gradually revealed what the oblivion stone is, who has it and who wants it, but now that Hyathis has finally reached earth, Jurgens throws a wrench in the works that I didn't see coming.
The wrench in the works theme continues as Clark saves Lois and Jon and if this isn't the first time you've picked up this book, you know where that might lead. I know that it sounds cool to have Superman as a father, but it also points out a whole lot of things that aren't so cool...like your parents lying to you. My dad once told me that a dozen eggs cost $12 and I still get mad thinking about it. I can't imagine how Jon feels!
Things get a little bit better and then a whole lot more confusing as Lois and Clark try to explain what is really going on. Parallel Universes, two Supermen and two Lois Lanes...at least they don't bring up Telos! The issue ends with Clark seeing some pretty heinous visions and Jurgens showing us that no matter how hard Superman tries to keep things under control, trouble just keeps showing up at his doorstep.
I'd say that this is not a setup issue, but a bridge issue. What the hell does that mean? I don't know, but "setup" has such a negative connotation in comic book reviews and we really get some great moments here. Everything with Jon, the Oblivion Stone...the way Jurgens has been telling this story, he could give those crazy guys who juggle chainsaws a run for their money. Just when I think he's going to slip and lose a limb, he comes out grinning, all of his limbs intact. Everything is in place for a hell of a finale next month.
Of course, Lee Week's art is a major reason why I fell in love with this book as well and even though this isn't the best looking issue in the series, it still looks damn good. Stephen Segovia helps out on pencils and the art team is a bit larger in general, but that's not the problem as the whole issue flows along pretty seamlessly. Maybe it's the overall darker tone of this issue (especially art wise) that threw me off a bit as this series has always been so bright, vibrant and happy. Like I said, though, it still looks damn good.
Bits and Pieces:
It's finally a great time to be a Superman fan again and this book is a major reason for that. This month, Dan Jurgens fills in some major blanks and shows us that it's all headed to the same light at the end of the tunnel. This might only be a "bridge issue", but because of everything Jugens has set up, I enjoyed it all the same.
I scoffed when the talking panels started but it was so well done that I loved all of it. They better tell us what "skill" Henshaw has!
ReplyDeleteYet another phenomenal issue.
ReplyDeleteNot just for the ground they tread, but the feeling of how they tread it.
It shouldn't be surprising that Jurgens has each characters voice down perfectly, but it always takes me by surprise how pleased I am reading the dialogue for these classic characters.
For those who grew up watching the animated series in the late 90s, you can just hear the confident and sharp "city girl" tones of Dana Delaney's Lois voice when you read her on the page, and the same for Tim Daley's consistently moral and hopeful Clark.
As a person who is, frankly, sick of reading about angsty adolescents; seeing a powerful, wise, and Paternal figure on the page as a hero is uplifting.
As an aside, I wanted to mention that outside of Joe West on the Flash TV show, its somewhat rare to see fictional characters who are genuinely happy, and feel empowered to be parents, and this preNu52 Lois and Clark are precisely that, and its a makes for a fantastic read.
I'm completely on board for Jurgens upcoming run on Action comics, I just hope there aren't any editorial mandates that skew his tale.
Rock out.
Awesome comments! I agree...it is nice to see parents doing a good job (or the best they can) is awesome and refreshing. I am also looking forward to Action Comics and also to see how Tomasi handles these characters as well.
DeleteI love this for all the reasons everyone mentioned above better than I could. .. I just want to add it makes me feel like I'm reading the superman I lived as a kid so even OK issues really make me happy.
ReplyDeleteThis book really reminds me of how angry and cynical Superman was back in post crisis. ^^;
ReplyDeleteWell that, and hes reminding me alot of Superboy prime.