Art by: Cliff Richards and Mike Atiyeh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: June 3, 2015
Same Old Song and Dance
I know that a bunch of you guys out there reading this review were pissed off when the Convergence event interrupted your regularly scheduled books. I know because I'm right there with you and while I am not a small town pizza lawyer (yet!), I am a man of the people. As such, I also think I understand a bit of what's up DC's sleeve. Now that Convergence is over, everyone is salivating for their books with a fervor the likes of which I haven't seen since that New Coke/Coke Classic fiasco in the 80's. The "vacation" also setup a great opportunity to release some new books, but also change and retool the returning ones. Seriously, it's pretty damn exciting for fans of this new "DC You". And then there was Lobo. Cullen Bunn's revamped version of the Main Man has only been around a half a year, but after six issues. it had already become pretty stale. So, did Bunn use this two month Convergence vacation to come back with a bang or is it business as usual for the Last Czarnian? Let's find out...

Like I said, nothing up until now is going to wow anyone who has been reading this book from the start and I'm pretty sure that it's not going to grab the attention of anyone looking to jump in either. Unfortunately, it doesn't get much better from here on out.
After Lobo kills the entire army, Bunn finally gives us some meat. It seems that a famous Guild, The Void Whisper, wants Lobo to be their problem fixer and has sent a representative to give him an offer he can't refuse. In a shout out to the last arc, She offers Lobo an opportunity to find out who wanted Earth destroyed, but also who targeted his home planet of Czarnia. Unless I'm totally wrong, this book is moving away from the Assassin of the Month Club to the Contract of the Month Club. That does not sound much different to me. The issue ends with Lobo's version of Kiss Me Deadly and his first job going to hell. Here we go again!
Lobo has been one of those "meh" books that I read and review each month and move along. I never look forward to it and afterwards it doesn't leave any lasting impression. It's been the definition of vanilla and this issue doesn't feel any different.
I have never been a fan of Cliff Richard's art. It's just not for me...until now. I really liked the look of this issue with it's gory action and crazy looking aliens. I promise to give Richards more kudos from here on out.
Bits and Pieces:
Cullen Bunn used the two month Convergence layoff to...give us more of the same. Sure, the setting has changed (a bit), but the song remains the same. If you enjoy watching Lobo fight a rotating bunch of thugs while acting all aloof, then do I have a book for you. The cliffhanger was interesting, but I'm maintaining a wait and see approach and I'd suggest you do the same. As of now, this book is still pretty "meh".
I kind of like this issue - it has a vaguely James Bond in outer space sort of feel. It really feels like DC wants to take Lobo back to his more hard-boiled roots, back when he was a scary villain in Omega Men and Justice League International.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you liked it, but it feels just like the first 6 issues and I was really getting tired of it before Convergence hit. The first 6 issues were really "assassin of the month" issues and I want something more. I did like the art, though.
DeleteJust out of curiosity, what would you want out of a Lobo book? For me, I think the character would work best as a horror character. A guy who is as strong as Superman, can regenerate from ridiculous amounts of damage (maybe not from blood like in the comics of old), has the moral compass of a snail and is responsible for the murder of his own people and by extension his planet just screams horror material.
DeleteI think the horror bit would be good...I wish Cullen Bunn would give this book a little bit of humor as well. I think they "disposed" of the old Lobo too quickly when this series started because I think that was the most interesting thing so far...who was the real Lobo?!?
DeleteI agree that DC kind of disposed old Lobo(?) too quickly. I think the first issue would have been better off having this New 52 Lobo fight the old and really earn the title. It felt kind of like a missed opportunity. I can see a possible story where the New 52 version was just a Czarnian who was lucky/unlucky enough to have survived his planet's disaster but brainwashed into thinking he's the real Lobo since Marguerite Bennett made mention of this version having a conscience. They duke it out, Lobo reveals the truth and ends up sparing New 52 'Bo because he helped perpetuate his reputation across the cosmos. That, plus he gets New 52' Lobo's earnings from his various jobs as payment for his life. From there the rest of the story would have the New 52 version trying to come to terms with the horrible things he's done throughout the years.
DeleteThe other alternative - well, maybe really show some of "Fauxbo's" past and sell the idea that he's the imposter. Maybe Bisley's Lobo had hidden the original Lobo away - the leaner, more intelligent version - during his run in Omega Men or early LEGION.
DeleteNo disrespect intended to Cullen Bunn, but I kind of wish that Marguerite Bennett had been involved with the Lobo series, just because I loved what she did with the Justice League 23.2 issue. I would have loved to have seen where she would have taken the character. To be fair to Bunn, though, I'm kind of interested in his little twist with Czarnia - the idea of someone else behind the scenes and Lobo trying to get payment for it is both intriguing and f$cked up.
DeleteOr, if this indeed a new interpretation of Lobo and, in extension, Czarnia, maybe give this imposter his due and show his story in the New 52 universe.
DeleteThis comic will last up to 12 or 13 issues depending on the contract. The comic is already under 21,000 in sales. And people are dropping this comic left and right. Even the reviews are bad or meh for this comic.
ReplyDeleteLobo issue 1
Rank 66
Sales 39,407
Lobo issue 2
Rank 93
Sales 25,881
Lobo issue 3
Rank 129
Lobo issue 4
Rank: 126
Lobo issue 5
Rank 147
Sales 14,770
Lobo issue 6
Rank: 157
Sales: 13,715
Here are the sale for all previous Lobo comics.Also the only reason why this one was made was because reason for that is because Rob liefied got into a fight with dan dido about Lobo. Rob liefied left DC and dan dido created new 52 Lobo to get back at him. and in new 52 comic they did not kill off old Lobo they killed off Rob's version.
So basically after the 12 issue is done. Every one will say bye bye and he will be thrown out like the rest of the failed comics. Which will cause another reboot!
ReplyDeleteOr there will be no reboot at all at which point it's bye bye Main Man, New 52 or otherwise.
Delete"that is because Rob liefied got into a fight with dan dido about Lobo. Rob liefied left DC and dan dido created new 52 Lobo to get back at him."
Do you have any proof of this or are you just talking out of your a$$? I find the idea of a big company like DC "getting back" at one guy, let alone Rob Liefeld, extremely unlikely. The point of any business, comics especially, is to make money. What the hell kind of logic is it to create a character and a book that you know is gonna fail just to get back at one guy? It's stupid.
Also, given the damage Liefeld did to Lobo himself, I find it odd that you'd valorize him, making him out to be some martyred figure.
DeleteI do agree that this comic will be canceled soon. I don't know about any backdoor shenanigans, but putting Cullen Bunn on this book doesn't make me think DC wanted it to fail. If they were mad at Liefeld (or anybody), it makes sense that they would want this new version to succeed to show them that they could succeed without them...Lobo failing makes them look bad and loses them money.
DeleteThey tried forcing the old Lobo into the new 52 and then I think they miscalculated the appeal of this new version of the character.
This book hasn't been good and the sales show that I'm not the only one who thinks so.
I'm not disagreeing with the sales, just the idea that DC made this new Lobo knowing that it will fail. I think a big part of it has to do with fickle fanboys not giving it a chance/not wanting to give it a chance due to the redesign (it's not the first time the character had faced such drastic changes in writing and design. I mean, look at the differences between his Omega Men appearance, his Justice League International/early LEGION appearance with his appearance in later LEGION issues/Lobo series). Hopefully Bunn will step up his game. If not, then it'll be a shame.
DeleteIm not talking out of my a$$. I have friends in the business of Dc and WB. They tell me a lot of information. So heres a novel idea do some research and make friends with people in the business. I will admit some of my information cant be found but if do some research of how much damage new 52 did to DC you will see that Dan dido did a crazy shit that pissed off a ton of people in the business.
DeleteAlso im not making Rob Lefied some hero I hate his version. But rob Defend himself and said it was Dan Didio idea. Also Cullen Bunn never knew they did changed to Lobo I even heard it in a podcast.
As for a reboot im not 100% sure if theyw ill reboot Lobo. But given the fact majority of there New 52 has died out and the only a handful is still around and sales show they will most likely do it again.
So sweetheart do some research instead of eating what a big company gives you.
Also its not the old fan base that is causing it to fail. Because all those sales are a combinations of both old and new fans. Also read some reviews and ask people around. Both the new fans and the old fans are not reading it hardly. Even the new fans that never heard of Lobo and who have just started can't even like this comic.
DeleteAlso fun fact new 52 was created to get new fans and yeah I admit the old fans got jumped ship but guess what if new 52 was suppose to be so good then why did it not attract more people. Do you think this comic would have done well if the old fan base just left or died out? No this comic was made for the new fans. and it should have attracted more people. But guess what it did not do it. Even the old fans tried reading it and they gave it try and guess what it did not work out. Even the new fans tried it and it did not work out.
Im going by sales here and just look at them. Each comic this Guy is in he wides up loosing sales. So yeah its not the fan bases problem.
Also for all the redesigns. If you do research on him they were made before he became his own character. Omega men he was never suppose to last long even the creators said that. He was later used to show how violent anti heroes but wound up becoming a big hit that was never planed that was the look Alan Grant used the later Lobo series. Legion is was they started using him again before he got big. So they where experimenting. Then after the 90's they just dropped him like every other comic. Dc only mainly focuses on Batman and Superman that can been shown from there movies and tv shows. Yes I know they plan on making more movies with different heros but knowing WB track record of canceling movies and comics they probably won't happen or they may.
Lets just say DC has no clue with what they doing because so many editorially choices keep on changing.
So once again do some homework and look around. You may find some things. Try befriending people in the business that's what I do.
Also fun fact before this comic hinting the comic book stores Cullen got a phone call about this comic being cancelled but it got changed at the last minute. So yeah this comic is not going last. Its going get cancelled.
Another fun fact. What made Lobo great in the first place was his personalty not his look. That why storm watch failed. Rob's versions failed was because of the look and his personalty. And the reason for this one to fail is both personalty and look.
DeleteThe look does not bother me its the plain attitude. Im serious and dark and sad about what happen. Oooooo so amazing. NOT! Basically DC is turning all their comics into wanna b Batmans.
I talked to the old fan base they said they would like if his attitude was not so boring. Also if DC wanted this comic to work they would have not done what they did on the first issue. First 3 pages of dead Rob version of Lobo with the 90's look. I mean no fight and no lame a$$ death. I seen Pre-K students with better ideas then that.
Also the old fan base tried to like him and lets face it they don't wanna waste anymore money on him. And once again this comic was made for the new fans and they doing the same thing they don't want to read it or spend anymore money on him.
So just like the most of the new 52 comics its going be farewell. Either a new reboot or old Lobo is returning or they will just quit.
So if you did your homework you would have know this.
so if I did my homework, I'd know that they are either going to cancel it, reboot or go back to the old Lobo?
DeleteI say that they will cancel it. They gave it a shot and it's not selling. No matter what you think of a character or book, it's all about sales. Poor sales = book canceled. Of course, if the book is good, you hope it sells, but that's not the case all the time. Swamp Thing was a critical success, but it was canceled because of sales.
You can hate on the reboot, but DC was hoping they could get the character up with the times and get some interest...they were wrong. It's a shame, but I think Lobo's solo book days are soon to be behind him and hopefully we'll see him pop in some other books down the line.
Also, Stormwatch failed for a bunch of reasons...awful stories and a team that few still care about are tops on that list. I wanted to like it, but it was awful...until the last issue which was great.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteLook I never wanted to start a fight or sound like a hater. But All I know is bad sales equal canceling.I don't know if Dc will bring back Lobo or reboot a new version or give up. Dc is trying to make money. Im honestly one of the fans that wanted to like the new 52 Lobo. But it did not work out.
DeleteYou don't have to believe me about anything else I say but lets face it sales don't lie. Its all about making money. And lets face it this book loses about 1,000 in sales each month. And from previous canceled books they just juck it and create a new spin on the comic with a new look or origin or personalty.
The thing I want is this. A lobo that meets middle ground. In looks and personalty. They should have made something for old and new fans. What turned me off was his personalty. Which is what made him so great in the first place. Now he just like everything else. I also do like how many of their comics seem to follow the batman route. They all seem depressed and alone. Which yeah its what new fans what but at the same time comics like Deadpool and Harley Quinn are going crazy. So they could have put humor in some of these books. I know this Lobo was made to follow omega men but it honesty it does not live up to the omega man version. Also Stan Lee favorite comic from Dc was 90's Lobo because Marvel did not have a character like him.
As for what will happen next. All I can say is DC keeps on changing there editorial ideas. So yo try to pre order a book these days and that book could get canceled.
I think if they changed his name or told a different story and say it was Lobo's son it would have worked. The thing is Dc could have made him his own character with a different name I mean the Dc world is big enough for a new heroes/villains.
I believe in researching and studying and not just looking at the surface of the problem. I have to talked to people both new fans and old fans. And got their opinions and ideas. And if they said the book was good and the sales would back it up I would respect it. But thats the case. Even the new fan base have a hard time liking him. Which this book was made for them. So my argument is the new fan base should have weighed the old one. But the truth is its not the old fan base that is causing problems. Its both new and Old they just don't like him. Trust me a ton of old Lobo fans tried reading it and it just did not work out. I mean these fans went up to like issue 5 and 6. So both fan bases are trying but in the end they usual wind up dropping it.
You can believe what you want but I trust sales and reviews and people I have talked to who work for Dc comics and so far of what I seen and heard its not looking good.
Im sorry for applying late but I have been busy. Also sorry for removing my last comment. One of my statements did not sound right and had to be fixed.
"So sweetheart do some research instead of eating what a big company gives you."
DeleteI don't "eat" anything from anyone. Like I said before, show me the proof. I've seen you post the same damn thing multiple times on other boards and am calling you out to provide the proof. If you can't, then that makes your claims insubstantial.
"fact before this comic hinting the comic book stores Cullen got a phone call about this comic being cancelled but it got changed at the last minute."
Again, do you have proof? If you don't and all you have to say is that you have "friends" in DC and WB that say so and so, then that does not constitute proof. Also, how exactly are you "friends" with said-people? Do you work for either party? Had you worked for either party? Were you neighbors? Pen pals? Foot massager? The odd Twitter/Facebook message?
"They all seem depressed and alone. Which yeah its what new fans what but at the same time comics like Deadpool and Harley Quinn are going crazy."
Funny you mention Deadpool considering his comics have dealt with a considerable amount of angst and depression, even more so when compared to New 52 Lobo. It's kind of hard to compare the character with Lobo. I mean, with Deadpool, you have this terrific blend of horror, tragedy and comedy in one character, and even though he's done some $hit things you can almost excuse some of his behavior. In fact, on several occasions he managed to redeem himself by doing things that outclassed any of the better heroes out there and one is left cheering for him. Lobo is a completely different story - he is a monster through and through and is completely unrepentant about it. The New 52 version is definitely a monster and is about as unrepentant, but there seems to be a sliver of a conscience. However, what makes the New 52 version particularly more monstrous is that not only does he choose to ignore it, but he is looking to get a payday out of his little parting gift to his home planet.
"Also Cullen Bunn never knew they did changed to Lobo I even heard it in a podcast."
Again, provide the source. Your saying so is not reliable, and quite frankly it reeks of bias.
"do research on him they were made before he became his own character. Omega men he was never suppose to last long even the creators said that. He was later used to show how violent anti heroes but wound up becoming a big hit that was never planed that was the look Alan Grant used the later Lobo series. Legion is was they started using him again before he got big. So they where experimenting."
He was very much his own character in those early issues. In fact his appearances within Justice League International and LEGION were well-received and were what eventually had led to the character getting his own series in the first place.
" I trust sales and reviews and people I have talked to who work for Dc comics and so far of what I seen and heard its not looking good."
Have I said anything about not trusting either sales or reviews? No I haven't. I said that it's partly due to some of the more fickle fanboys who are whining about this not being "their" Lobo and that it's "a middle finger to the true Lobo fans" (which is kind of ironic considering the character is all about raising the middle finger to the reader - several panels and covers show him gleefully extending it outward. Hell, on his jacket he has in bold letters "Bite Me, Fanboys!").
I will admit a lot of my info come from people in the Dc comics business and sales.
DeleteHow you make friends with with People at Dc comics can vary. It takes time. I suggest going to comic cons and talk. I basically call them on the phone.
I also got my info from tweeting Cullen Bunn and Dan Didio.
The only one you can really see is the sales because a lot of the stuff I have told you is true at least to what I have been told but you won't find because a lot of it is from the lips of people who work for Dc. So of course they won't post like on Facebook so they wont lose their jobs. You can't find articles on it.
Sorry I can't post my proof. So believe in what you want and I believe in what I want.
But here try this article. I lost a majority of my articles I have collected when my laptop crashed.
In these articles there are a couple of articles on their where I have got my info.
"I also got my info from tweeting Cullen Bunn and Dan Didio."
DeletePost the tweets, I want to see for myself. For all I know you falsified your claims and/or misconstrued what they said in order make it seem that way.
"I have to talked to people both new fans and old fans. And got their opinions and ideas. And if they said the book was good and the sales would back it up I would respect it."
DeleteYou haven't talked to every single fan. Also, don't confuse what the fans say as being "good" as being equal to what sales show. As was noted, some really good books were cancelled because of the lack of sales.
"Legion is was they started using him again before he got big. So they where experimenting."
DeleteAnd yet those earlier appearances, including his encounter with Superman and Mister Miracle, were far better than the crap he degenerated into. Fuck 90s Lobo.
"How you make friends with with People at Dc comics can vary. It takes time. I suggest going to comic cons and talk. I basically call them on the phone."
DeleteReally? You don't say. Does that mean they invite you to dinner?
"Sorry I can't post my proof. So believe in what you want and I believe in what I want."
Total cop-out that reeks of cowardice. It suggests that you don't have any proof at all and are afraid of being called out on it.
Also, I've read those same articles - they're not at all remarkable.
"I wish Cullen Bunn would give this book a little bit of humor as well."
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind a little humor now and then, but I wouldn't want Lobo to be dominated by it - that ruined the character for me back in the nineties, where he became a shadow of his former self and a loony tune. An ultra-violent one, but a loony tune just the same.
agreed...but it needs something and maybe a lighter touch would do it some good
DeleteKind of agree, but I think the way to go is to amp up the horror and atmosphere. Lobo's regenerative abilities could provide some interesting body horror, kind of like John Carpenter's "The Thing" where Lobo's body starts producing weird $hit like Siamese twins and the like. I mean, what are the chances of every broken piece of bone returning back to its original place?
DeleteThat sounds awesome.
DeleteAs long as we don't get another Kuato!
LOL. Maybe not Kuato, but something even more repulsive and twisted than that.
DeleteI kind of wish that Lobo's clonal abilities were brought back - those were kind of what made him interesting to me. From what is presented so far, it almost seems like DC axed that along with the regeneration from blood because they wanted to make the character and his species more "realistic" and couldn't find a way to integrate it/properly explain it. Also, from what's written, it's not really clear to me if all Czarnians have had Lobo's abilities or if the weird Eucharist-like blood ceremony that their Emperor was part of grants participants said-abilities.
Delete@Jim Werner - what do you make of these reduction in abilities and Lobo himself in terms of his new background? From what I'm seeing and reading so far, it almost looks like they're trying to not only reign his more outrageous elements in and make him more relevant to the DCU, but it almost feels like DC is trying to make him out to be a kind of anti-Superman/a failed Superman of sorts.
DeleteIt's odd...they do seem to be trying to reel him in and be "depowered" a bit so that he fits in better with the rest of the DCU. That also seems to be the case with his behavior...they took a guy who is loved for being over the top and are trying to make him regal and cultured. I really can't see any reason why they would do this except to just make him "new". I wish I had some inside info or profound theories, but I think they were trying something new and it is failing.
Delete"they took a guy who is loved for being over the top and are trying to make him regal and cultured."
DeletePersonally, I don't mind the idea of Lobo being much more intelligent and sophisticated than he is made out to be. Better that than the moron who had the brain of a six year-old and had lost to "Dog Welder" and friends, of all people. With that said, though, I do feel like DC hasn't pushed this version of Lobo to his fullest potential in terms of either lethality or as a villain. I mean, there are things I like about this version - the sense of mystery behind him, his intelligence, cunning, and resourcefulness, the fact that he researches his opponent, even playing mind-games with them (at least during his cameo in Supergirl), and his ferocity, caged or otherwise (despite being a "pretty boy", a lot of the times he looks rather woIfish, especially when he's seems to be savoring the kill in some of the panels. Personally I actually kind of preferred how he was in the Justice League 23.2 issue - to me that was the closest to how he was in the eighties'.). At the same time, though, for someone who's supposedly the deadliest assassin in the galaxy, if not the universe(?), he doesn't really get to shine or stand out as such. Yeah, he kind of played with Kara's head, knocked her out with a sonic device and later had cut off Hawkman's arm, even killing him, but there's nothing really else, just him being tossed/smacked around by Superman and Supergirl. It's almost like having Bane, with all of his build-up in comics, to suddenly slip on a banana peel rather than having him break Batman's back in Knightfall. I think a way to go would be to use those traits - the mind-games, resourcefulness, strength, etc - and really put them to good use, maybe against some of the more heavy-hitting characters within the DCU.
@Jim Werner - Do you think New 52 Lobo could be a satire of James Bond?
ReplyDeleteYes...the way he deals with the ladies always reminds me of James Bond. I think he is a take on the spy/assassin and Bond is a huge influence
DeleteI just had a thought in terms of where the story might be headed - what if this "lifeblood" that is part of Lobo's planet and ceremony is the Dionysium from "Batman: Endgame"?
Deletewell, that would actually be pretty awesome!
DeleteThe best part about this idea - it could allow for characters such as Ras Al Ghul, Vandal Savage, maybe even the Court of Owls to appear within a Lobo comic. I'd love it if one or all of these became involved with Lobo.