Thursday, July 31, 2014

Batman: Eternal #17 Review

Written by: Ray Fawkes
Art by: Dustin Nguyen
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 30, 2014

Same Taste, More Filler

Ray Fawkes and Dustin Nguyen are back for another scary trip through Arkham Asylum featuring Batwing and Jim Corrigan.  I have enjoyed Fawkes supernatural take in this book and I love Batwing, so why didn't I like this issue?  There are actually quite a few reasons.

This issue's main reason for existing seems to be to tell the origin of Deacon Blackfire.  An evil priest taking advantage of the needy for his own demonic needs sounds interesting if not a bit generic, but then Batman shows up.  "Shows up" may be misleading, but believe me when I say it is totally out of character for him to be in the position we find him in.  His presence ruined the origin story, in my opinion.

Harley Quinn #8 Review

Written by: Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by: Chad Hardin
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 30, 2014


Harley Quinn is a hard book to recommend.  It's not because I don't like it because I really do.  I think it is downright hilarious, but that's the problem.  It's potty humor that gleefully breaks the fourth wall and loves referencing Pop Culture.  In other words, the perfect mix for my tastes.  If you are one of those highfalutin types who think "This American Life" crosses the line of decency, run from this book (and review) right now.  This book is not for you.  If you have my tastes, you are awesome and should read on.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Justice League #32 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Geoff Johns
Art By: Doug Mahnke
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 30, 2014

Gooble Gobble

Last issue of Justice League saw some badassery that I've only recently stopped drooling over.  Lex Luthor calls Bruce Wayne out on being Batman and even uncovers the secret grandfather clock entrance.  Also the Earth 3 power ring has found a new host in a scared agoraphobic woman named Jessica Cruz.  Once the ring firmly places itself on Jessica's finger, it goes off on a rampage destroying a city and before the Justice League could arrive to save the day, we see the new Doom Patrol.  New because the first iteration was killed during Forever Evil, but this team is the old classics you all love.  Robot Man, Elasti-Girl, Negative Man and the not so classic Element Woman.  Yeah Element Woman has returned from her M.I.A. time after Forever Evil, so let's see what this group plans on doing against the powerhouse that is Power Ring.

Aquaman Annual #2 Review

Written by: Jeff Parker
Art by: Yvel Guichet and Alvaro Martinez
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: July 30, 2015

They Live

Anyone up for some good old fashioned monster hunting?  I am a huge fan of Aquaman and Wonder Woman and I loved the grotesque gallery of Giant Born monsters whose story started in Aquaman #29.  They all come together for Aquaman Annual #2, but something seems lost in the translation.

Like a superficial jerk, I love the Giant Born for their looks.  They are a cross between MadBalls and Harryhausen monsters and are just fun to look at.  However, when they open their mouths, I lose interest.  Even when they showed up in Aquaman #29 and #30, I felt the same way.  That pretty much spells disaster for me and this Annual because we get the conclusion to a story that I honestly hadn't given a thought to in three months.

The New 52: Futures End #13 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Dan Jurgens, Keith Giffen
Art By: Patrick Zircher
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 30, 2014

I Hope Something Bad Happens To Fifty Sue

Okay the prime info you need for this week's issue is that Grifter was recently attacked by a stealth OMAC, which is odd because Fifty Sue says there aren't any stealth OMACs.  Red Robin now works at a bar and created a whole new life for himself after faking his death during the war and now goes by the name Cal Corcoran.  Lois Lane is on Tim/Cal's ass about his identity and even though he tells his girlfriend that he isn't Red Robin, I don't think she's buying it.  Batman Beyond recently joined up with Plastique, Coil and Key to break into Terrifitech so he can see if Brother Eye has made his appearance yet and Green Arrow's teenage sister has found Big Barda hiding out in Canada.  Yeah that should do you for this issue.  Let's jump Five Years From Now and see what DC has in store for us this week.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

He-Man and The Masters of The Universe #15 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Dan Abnett
Art By: Pop Mhan
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

Highway To The Fright Zone!

Last issue of He-Man we saw Adora's return as she began making her way to the forbidden island of Anwat-Gar, to figure out what her connection is to a handmaiden from a thousand years ago that killed King Grayskull.  She won't have to make the journey alone though since the new Sorceress Teela has sent He-Man to meet up with his sister to make the trip go a little smoother.  But the journey won't be easy as the two realize that they have to make their way to a port town that has been transformed into one of Hordak's Fright Zones.  Let's see if  Anwat-Gar is in our heroes future or if they fall short of their goals.

Batman: Eternal #16 Review

Written by: Ray Fawkes
Art by: Dustin Nguyen
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

It's Magic

Last week, Eternal's main story was a creep show staring Batwing and Jim Corrigan.  It involved blood fountains, dismemberment and unfortunately, the Joker's Daughter.  It ended with the crazy Mr. Bygone who may let things go, but he certainly had a pretty good hold on Corrigan.

Ray Fawkes continues his spooky story this week.  Mr. Bygone is going through a bit of a transformation and really wants to meet the Spectre.  As is the trend, Jim Corrigan has a different idea.  Meanwhile, Batwing is being held up by the Joker's Daughter.  If you have read my reviews or my mind, you know I hate the Joker's Daughter with a passion usually saved for the Dallas Cowboys or Boston Red Sox.  This week gives me another reason to hate her when she displays her new "magical power".  I call shenanigans.

Wonder Woman #33 Review

Written by: Brian Azzarello
Art by: Cliff Chiang
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 28, 2014

Gods and Monsters

It's almost over.  When the New 52 is in the rear view mirror and nerds in their virtual basements argue about which book stands the test of time, Wonder Woman will be it. Why?  Because Brian Azzerello tells it as a timeless classic that mixes mythology and comics into a blend that gives us the best of both Worlds.  Plus, it's just damn good.  To make the playing field even more uneven, Cliff Chiang's art now defines the character and her mythos.  In a more perfect reality, these two would be giving us Wonder Woman stories for centuries to come.  However, our reality is far from perfect and it all ends soon.  The upside of that is Azzerello and Chiang get to end their story and we get to read it.  Reading this issue it is clear that the end is near, the War has truly begun and not everyone is going to survive.

Injustice: Year Two #17 Review

Written by: Tom Taylor
Art by: Mike S. Miller
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 29, 2014

Guy Gardner, Voice of Reason?!

Injustice: Year Two has all built up to this.  Superman has allied himself with some pretty nasty fellows, specifically Sinestro and his Corps.  Of course, Team Batman has some heavy hitters as well and it's all about to hit the fan. You would guess that the time for talk has long gone, but Guy has a different idea.

Trinity of Sin: Pandora #13 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Ray Fawkes
Art By: Francis Portela, Tom Derenick
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

The Many Deaths Of Marcus Severin

Last issue we saw the newly mortal Pandora fight Vandal Savage, after he broke the neck of her lover and
weaponsmith Marcus Severin.  Even though the fight seemed uneven when it started, Agent Kincaid leveled the playing field when she shot Vandal Savage with the immortal killer that she had previously shot Pandora with.  Well as even as it could be when you're facing Vandal Savage.  No the real turning point of the fight was when Giganta showed up out of nowhere and pitched Vandal Savage blocks away into a river.  When we left our heroine, she was broken and beaten and Giganta threatened to end Agent Kincaid if she didn't save Pandora.  Let's dive into this issue and see if Agent Kincaid is still breathing and for that matter if Pandora is as well.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #11 Review

Written by: Dan Abnett
Art by: Tom Derenick
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 28, 2014

Slow and Slower

Infinite Crisis has not been very good.  In fact, I've contemplated just dropping it and spending my Monday nights doing other things like, I don't know, Spending time with my kids or talking with my Wife.  I wouldn't say I had high hopes for the title, but I had at least medium hopes that it would be some mindless good fun.  It's been pretty mindless, but I'm still waiting for the fun.  Last week, Dan Abnett gave us Cyborg, Flash and Zatanna facing Mecha Superman and crazy huge Doomsday.  It wasn't as much fun as it sounds which was a real shame.  This week we stay on Earth-44 and hopefully some fun shines through.

All Star Western #33 Review

Written by: Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray
Art by: Staz Johnson
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

A Bloody Good Time

It's almost over.  One of the best, if not the most unique book, is coming to an end.  No matter how many times I promise Eric not to say it, this is the penultimate issue of All Star Western.  It's been a hell of a run for Palmiotti and Gray stretching back before the New 52.  Jonah Hex has literally seen it all, but he's back where he belongs to give a proper goodbye.  You can take the anti hero out of the Old West, but you can't take the Old know how it goes.  Last month, Jonah and the awesome Tallulah Black, did the old back-and-forth with a bounty and each ended up stripped of their iron, on a horse, all-tied up with no place to go, except maybe to Hell. Then things got worse.

Just For The Hell Of It Mondays: Jerk Off Superman's At It Again

I've stated before that I watch a lot of videos of superheroes on the interwebs and I figure most of you do too.  I love fan made shorts and parodies dealing with my DC obsession and seeing the different takes that people have for the characters.  With that there seems to be a general consensus within the fan community that when we're going to parody Superman, he's going to be a jerk off and when we parody Batman he's going to be a dumbass, or someone who has power envy, or both.  Now I can get behind the whole Superman's a jerk off thing, that seems to be a staple in people's minds, but how the hell did we begin this trend of Batman being a dumbass during probably the best heyday of the character's existence?  During Chris Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, the interwebs were swamped with Batman parodies that just played the character off as dumb and even now it seems that this is a cliche that everyone else is using as well.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Batman '66 #39 Review

Written by: Tom Peyer
Art by: Dave Bullock
Cover Price: $1.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

The Sheriff of Crime

Batman '66 doesn't pretend to be anything it isn't.  It's campy fun with quick stories made to put a smile on the reader's face.  There's something to be said for that.  For the most part, it is clear that the creative teams involved love the source material and are having a ball telling their stories to fans who feel the same.  Add Tom Peyer to that list.  On the surface, this weeks issue is the usual fun, but if you look deeper, it's a great homage as well.  It's an issue working on a couple levels at once, but is it good?  Let's find out.

Someone has stolen hi-tech crime fighting equipment from the Gotham City Police Department.  To add insult to injury, it was right under Batman and Robin's collective nose.  They did leave a calling card on the scene, an arrow.  The Archer, of course!  But why would the would be Robin Hood steal from the police?  The Dynamic Duo figure it out, but it still may be too late.

Aquaman #33 Review

Written by: Jeff Parker
Art by: Paul Pelletier
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

The Creature from the ...Triton Base

For months now, this book could rightly could be called "Mera".  She has been a pillar of strength, fighting off would be assassins and keeping Atlantis running while her husband is off gallivanting with the likes of Swamp Thing.  I'm not saying that everything Arthur has been doing is all fun and games, since last issue left him in grave peril at the hands (or mind) of Chimera.  The Chimera, for those not reading, is a Frankenfish combination of human, sea creatures and sea CREATURES.  Seriously, it has the brain of a centuries old monster, the Karaqan.  This thing is scary, disgusting and has it out for Aquaman.  So, this month, Mera gets put to the side (boo!) so Parker can center on Arthur and Chimera.  

Weird Science DC Comics New: SDCC Edition

San Diego Comic Con is not quite over, but the news waits for no one.  Every year I wait for jaw dropping announcements on new books and creative team changes and every year I end up disappointed.  SDCC is more about people talking about how great they are, how much they like each other and big movie and tv news.  I'm a comic fan, dammit!

Personally, I've gone to two comic cons in the past.  Wizard World in Philadelphia and one that may have been called the "Great Allentown Comic Con". Allentown was a long time ago and I forget things in my old age.  Wizard World was okay, but it was basically paying to get into a place so that you could spend more money.  Kind of like a strip club with old comics and weird hats.  My kids did get to take pictures in the '66 Batmobile and we bought a bunch of old comics and weird hats.  See what I mean.  The Allentown Con pretty much sucked.  It was a bunch of fat guys standing around fold up tables selling crap.  I did get a copy of my favorite pen and pencil RPG, "Feng Shui".  Yea, I'm that kind of nerd.  Enough nonsense,

Saturday, July 26, 2014

SDCC: Map of the Multiverse

I saw this and thought it was so cool that I'd post it.  It's the map of the Multiverse for Grant Morrison's upcoming "Multiversity" series. He said that the map will come with a guidebook that explains each Earth and it's inhabitants and I can't wait.  He did say that Earth 6 is Stan Lee's Just Imagine Universe and it's opposite of Jack Kirby's.  Nice.  I was already looking forward to the series, but this has me pretty stoked.

Batman #33 Review

Written by: Scott Snyder
Art by: Greg Capullo
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

One Hell of a Year

Zero Year is coming to an end and I have a little confession.  Perhaps it's more of a revelation, but it's something I need to get off my chest.  I haven't really enjoyed Zero Year.  I know I'm in the extreme minority here.  It's not an individual issue thing, but more of a feeling as a whole.  Maybe it's fatigue because I was pumped at first and my enthusiasm has waned as each month passed.  Trust me, this isn't one of those "hate something to be cooler than you" things.

Batman Beyond 2.0 #26 Review

Written by: Kyle Higgins and Alec Siegel
Art by: Craig Rousseau and Phil Hester
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 26, 2014

Who's Behind the Mask

I've been a fan of BB 2.0 since issue one and have sung it's praises ever since.  In fact, this is one of the books that I could be accused of being a fanboy of.  You know what?  I don't give a rat's ass because it's been as good as every word I've used to praise it. However, this isn't the same book.  With Justice League Beyond 2.0 ending it's run, BB has gone to a weekly release and in the process has transformed into a monster of a book.  It feels bigger and more important.  The Mark of the Phantasm story may have just started, but to me, it's just as impressive as a certain Bat story with a Zero and a Year attached to it.  Am I crazy?  Most people would say yes, but I likes what I likes and I really likes this book.  Forgive me if this review is on the short side because I don't want to spoil too much.  Trust me, it's well worth the $0.99 cent admission price if you are a fan of any sort of comics.  Just go and buy it now.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Smallville: Chaos #8 Review

Written by: Bryan Q. Miller
Art by: Agustin Padilla and Marcello Di Chiara
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 25, 2014

 Crisis Management

Spoiler Waring!!!  If you have not read last week's Smallville:Chaos #7 there are spoilers ahead.  Spoiler Waring!!!

Last week, we got a little more of the Eclipso story, but everyone came ways from that issue with one thing on their mind...Darkseid. Yes, he didn't do much except sneer at the camera, but what a sneer.  From that second, I waited with baited breath for this issue to be released.  It's here, I've read it and yes, Darkseid is in it.  However, he's not the best part of this issue.  If you've read my past reviews, you may guess who I thought was.

Catwoman #33 Review

Written by: Ann Nocenti
Art by: Patrick Olliffe, John Livesay and Tom Nguyen
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 25, 2014

Turn Off the Gaslight When You're Done

I don't know what the hell I just read.  I don't consider myself an Einstein or Newton by any means, but I have a basic understanding of the English language.  I can usually follow the pretty pictures in a book and get the gist of what's going on.  I'm a college graduate for Christ's sake.  Yes, it was from West Virginia University, but it's still kind of a college.  So why for the life of me can't I understand what I just read?  I'm going to go read the issue a couple more times and I'll be back to hopefully shed some light on the riddle that is Catwoman #33.

Top 5 Fridays: Top 5 Zombies In DC Comics

With this week debut of the rebooted Star Spangled War Stories and introducing G.I. Zombie as it's strange protagonist, it seems like the perfect time to talk about the undead folks of the DC Universe.  Since the beginning of the 2000's it seems like zombies are everywhere and I've had countless arguments with Jim about if the zombie craze has ended or if it's still cruising along.  Well I guess Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray agree with Jim on the subject as we now have another character that sports the lifeless characteristic.  Hopefully this series takes off and sticks around for awhile because who doesn't like a good patriotic zombie story?  That's right nobody even knows what that is and that's why we'll pick this book up to experience it for the first time.  With that let's take a look at the roster that G.I. Zombie will join, in this week's Top 5 Zombies In DC Comics.  It's not a huge roster, but it's probably bigger than you think and I'll be running down our Top 5.  Let's check it out.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Superman #33 Review

Written by: Geoff Johns
Art by: John Romita Jr.
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

Mama I'm Coming Home

In two issues it's obvious that Geoff Johns is here to right the wrongs of the New 52 Superman.  Whether it's the early arrogance of the younger Superman or recent developments like ClarkCatTropolis, you can rest assured that Johns will do what needs to be done.  The surprise here is the slow and subtle approach he's taking to do it.  After two issues, this book is more about Clark Kent than Superman. When we do get to see the Man of Steel, it's not in action, but trying to help his new super friend, Ulysses.  I'm one of those guys that loves watching Superman punch his way out of a problem, but I'm really enjoying the start of this run.

Secret Origins #4 Review

Written by: Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner, Jeff Lemire and Peter J. Tomasi
Art by: Stephane Roux, Denys Cowan and Ian Bertram
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

New or Knew?

The idea that any of the stories in this series are "secret" is pretty laughable.  This book serves best as a primer for new fans wanting to know the origins of DC's most popular characters.  Learned fans will find slight (and I mean slight) variations to the origin stories they have read over and over again.  Because of that, the only reason to pick up this book is if you truly love some or all of the characters featured and/or you've been living under a rock and don't know their origins.  Personally, this month I'm in the first category.  I have read (and seen) the three origins, but I love Harley, Ollie and Damian, but is that enough to enjoy this issue?  Let's find out.

Red Lanterns #33 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Charles Soule
Art By: Alessandro Vitti
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

Cantina Scene

Last issue was a real downer for us Guy Gardner Red Lantern fans because Atrocitus went on an all out offensive strike crippling our heroes.  First when the team went to rescue Rankorr, they found him driven insane.  But what's an insane Red Lantern between friends when they can just bathe him in a magic blood pool?  But Atrocitus took care of that as well, by poisoning the blood on Ysmault, which looked to me like he scabbed it over and to add insult to injury he destroyed the Red Lantern's statues and power battery.  So it looks like the war might be over before it ever really started.  Let's take a look at what this issue has in store for us as we ebb closer to the all out war between the two Red Lantern factions.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Justice League Dark #33 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: J.M. DeMatteis
Art By: Andres Guinaldo
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

Dead Man Don't Wear Plaid

Last issue of JLD we saw Nightmare Nurse possess Zatanna, which the entire team took great offense to.  Constantine opened a portal to "The Between" to try to suck Asa out of Z, but ended up sucking the entire House of Mystery in instead.  Nightmare Nurse finally let's Zatanna go and was willing to sacrifice herself to the living consciousness of "The Between" to see her friends escape.  Thankfully it didn't come to that and before Nightmare Nurse escaped we found out that the living consciousness is her father and in the end of the issue with her old host Alice Winter's permission she allowed Asa to re-enter her.  So all is well and it seems like the team can get back to normal and even take a little break.  Hopefully nothing bad happens here, let's check it out.

The Flash #33 Review

Written by: Robert Venditti and Van Jensen
Art by: Brett Booth
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

It's Tricky

The Flash has been one of my favorite books in the New 52.  Why?  Because The Flash is just so much fun.  Whether he's running fast, cracking wise or even showing up late (I know it's cliche, but it's so Flash), I love Barry Allen.  Since Venditti, Jensen and Booth have taken over, the stakes have gone up.  The Flash isn't just racing against the villains of Central City, but himself as well.  He's been ripping the Speedforce apart at the seams and is trying to right his own wrongs.  Mix in Wally West and Barry really has his hands full. The problem is, it's becoming less and less fun.  I'm not saying it's bad because it isn't.  It's just not as fun as I like.  Unfortunately, this issue continues the trend.

The New 52: Futures End #12 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Dan Jurgens, Keith Giffen
Art By: Jesus Merino, Dan Green
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

Back To The Future.... The Far Future

Last week in the world of Five Years From Now we saw our trio of space cadets Hawkman, Amethyst and Frankenstein crash land on an alien world inside some metal crater, in search of a possible living member of Storm Watch.  Grifter's tech guru Justin finally decided that Cole has been gone long enough and it's time to abandon their base and go head over to the long missing Voodoo's place.  Mister Terrific went on TV to try and flush out Batman Beyond by telling the populace he's an illegal alien from another Earth and the JLA try to get the Firestorm band back together, but it seems like getting Ronnie Raymond and Jason Rusch to be friendly again and want to be inside each other is a lost cause.  So let's check out this week's journey to Five Years From Now.

Batman and Robin #33 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Peter J. Tomasi
Art By: Patrick Gleason
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

The Road To Apokolips

We're finally back to the Batman and Robin moniker and it's about time as we continue our journey to discover the ultimate fate of Damian Wayne in Robin Rises.  Last week in Robin Rises: Omega, Batman fought against the forces of Glorious Godfrey and the Apokoliptian shock troops to recover the body of his son.  Leave it Ra's to fuck things up by putting a sliver of the Chaos Shard into Robin's sarcophagus and getting the attention of Apokolips.  The fight seemed to be in Glorious Godfrey's favor until the Justice League arrived to help send the horde back to where they came from.  In the end of the issue Batman beat the hell out of Shazam for cutting his grapple line before he could follow Godfrey and his son's body to Apokolips and then beat the hell out of Luthor for simply making a dick comment.  That issue ended with Batman pretty much saying the hell with you guys, I'm going to Apokolips.  So let's see if Batman gets his way or if the Justice League is strong enough to keep the Caped Crusader from committing suicide by going through with this undertaking.  Let's check it out.

Star Spangled War Stories: G.I. Zombie #1 Review

Written by: Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray
Art by: Scott Hampton
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 23, 2014

Can You Give Me a Hand?

I have to admit, when I first read that Star Spangled War Stories was coming out I wondered what the DC higher ups were smoking. While war comics have a rich tradition, they haven't fared well in the New 52, to say the least.  My frown turned upside down when I heard who was writing it, however.  Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray are two of my favorite writers and with All Star Western Canceled (boo!) as well as Batwing (double boo!), I was worried I wouldn't get my monthly Palmitotti-Gray fix.  I am no longer worried.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Batman: Eternal #15 Review

Written by: Ray Fawkes
Art by: Dustin Nguyen
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 16, 2014

Creep Show

I must admit that I'm not the biggest fan of Batman: Eternal as a whole.  It's not the revolving writers or artists, but something that runs deeper that bothers me.  While DC keeps telling us that this book is important in the now and future of The New 52, it just doesn't seem that way to me.  I know that timelines are wonky, but big happenings in this book haven't had the impact they should in other books and guest stars have shown up even if it doesn't make sense in their own stories.  That being said, I have enjoyed a bunch of individual issues and this one is one of them.

Old Time Tuesday: Adventures of Superman ep. 16 The Prison Riot

Originally airing on March 18, 1940, Clark and Lois are off to visit the Wolfe and Keno in the Big House.  Could it be Shawshank?  Nope, its San Miguel Penitentary.  Why did Perry White send them?  Listen to find out.  Enjoy!

Injustice: Year Two #16 Review

Written by: Tom Taylor
Art by: Xermanico
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 22, 2014

Dawn of War

I think I've overstated it already, but Injustice: Year Two has been a slow burn affair that is more about building tension than over the top action.  Don't get me wrong, I have loved every minute of it.  However, I'm guessing that I'm in the minority.  People who wanted big explosions and shocking deaths have either walked away each week disappointed or dropped the book altogether.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga #3 Review

Written and Illustrated by: Jiro Kuwata
Translation by: Sheldon Drzka
Cover Price: $1.99
Release Date: July 19, 2014

Holy Funeral Batman!

I am so glad DC decided to release Jiro Kuwata's Batmanga.  A week ago, I wasn't even aware of it, but now I'm hooked.  This issue closes the Lord Death Man story and even though it is a bit more violent, I could see it as a very spooky Batman '66 episode.  However, I have a feeling that Lord Death Man wouldn't have made it past the censors.  Such a shame.

Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #10 Review

Written by: Dan Abnett
Art by: Tom Derenick
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 21, 2014

Heroes and Villains

Okay, I've ripped this book a bit in the past few weeks.  While others may be judging it as a video game tie-in first, I am looking at it strictly as a comic book.  I don't play the game and I never will.  I know I sound like a dick, but it's the truth.  The first nine issues served as a primer to the series.  They were inconsistent and ended with a "now let's get to the real story" type of ending.  I cried shenanigans and almost stopped reading the series then and there.  As you can see, though,  I'm back.  I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment...or am I?

Going Ape: Our Fascination With Gorillas In Entertainment

As I'm writing this Dawn of The Planet of The Apes is the #1 movie in America, so it seems appropriate to finally talk about why we love these apes so much.  Now we as people have had a love for our hairy genetic second cousins for almost as long as there has been modern entertainment.  From King Kong, to the newly released Dawn of The Planet of The Apes.  We look at them and we see our darker more animalistic selves and can't help but be drawn to them.  Well I know I can't, I've seen every Kong movie, every Planet of The Apes movie and have a weird obsession with Gorilla Grodd.  It would seem though I'm not alone, so let's look at DC Comics and their sure fire way to raise the sales of a book during the Silver Age of Comics.

Just For The Hell Of It Mondays: Batman's Fucking Metal!

I haven't been this hyped up for a video in awhile.  It's Batman and it's metal!  I'm not going to spend a lot of time bitching about things like I normally do because you just gotta go check this out because it's going to blow your face off and you'll sit there all faceless and say thank you.  Let's check it out.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga #2 Review

Written and Illustrated by: Jiro Kuwata
Translation by: Sheldon Drzka
Cover Price: $1.99
Release Date: July 12, 2014

Sometimes, Dead is Better

I was pleasantly surprised by the first issue of Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga (which I will just call Batmanga from now on).  It is a goofy slice of Japanese Batman fever that was translated into English for the first time for this Digital First series.  While it is one of the most unusual picks for a digital series, I'm glad DC took a chance with it.  

The second issue continues the fun with a little more color and a bigger price tag.  I usually don't dwell on pricing in my reviews, but I'm scratching my head a bit at this.  The first issue was $0.99 which is a great price to get readers to try it out, but this issue is $1.99.  I'm not saying it isn't worth it because I personally think it is, but that steep a price tag for such an unknown niche title seems crazy.  I guess DC thinks that anything with Batman will sell no mater what.  I hope they're right because it would be a shame for this title to be ignored after taking so long to get to our shores.  Okay, I just jumped off my soapbox and am ready to put on my reviewing shoes. Yes, I have a pair of reviewing shoes.  Don't judge me.

The Royals: Masters of War #6 Review

Written by: Rob Williams
Art by: Simon Coleby
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 9, 2014

(War is Over)

The Royals: Masters of War is a series that should be getting more attention.  There really is nothing quite like it nowadays and maybe that's the problem.  Alt-history meets super powered Royal Families during World War II? Not an easy sell to the masses, but I dare you to open up any issue of the series and try to put it down.  Rob Williams' writing is thought provoking yet accessible while Simon Coleby's art is breathtaking.  It all ends here with issue #6 and believe me, Williams and Coleby do not disappoint.

Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga #1 Review

Written and Illustrated by: Jiro Kuwata
Translated by: Sheldon Drzka
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 5, 2014


Well, this one kind of snuck up on me.  I was not aware of "Batmanga", let alone that it was going to be released weekly as a DC Digital First.  After seeing a couple of issues released and looking into it's history, I decided to give it a whirl.  I'm glad I did.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Batman Beyond 2.0 #25 Review

Written by: Kyle Higgins and Alec Siegel
Art by: Thony Silas and Phil Hester
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 19, 2014

(Just Like) Starting Over

If you haven't already done it, go and read the just finished Justice Lords crossover that ran through this book and Justice League Beyond 2.0. It was one of the best events of the year and I mean in all comics.  If you insist on being crazy and just want to jump into BB 2.0 this week, you are in luck.

Higgins and Siegel make things feel fresh right off the bat by going back in time.  Yes, the bulk of the issue takes place a year ago and I love it.  Bruce is still involved and Terry is applying to Neo-Gotham University.  It's almost like a soft reboot to the series and a great jumping on point for new readers.

Green Lantern: New Guardians #33 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Justin Jordan
Art By: Brad Walker, Diogenes Neves
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 16, 2014

Who Guards The Guardians?

Last month we entered a story of suspense and terror as we saw Quaros, one of the Guardians of the Universe abducted by an unseen enemy.  Carol Ferris who was desperately seeking Kyle, pleaded with the Guardians to help her with her search, but they felt that finding Quaros was more of an importance.  So Carol and the Guardians made their way to a mysterious ship, where inside they find nightmare creatures that were once regular aliens but have had awful experiments performed on them.  The ship separates Carol from the Guardians and before a bunch of experimental space monsters can ponce on Carol Ferris, a bright light pierces the ship and we see that Kyle Rayner has returned right in the nick of time.  Let's see what this terror ship has in store for our heroes and if Kyle and Carol can retrieve their Guardian friends before anything Clive Barkery can happen to them.  Let's check it out.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Smallville: Chaos #7 Review

Written by: Bryan Q. Miller
Art by: Agustin Padilla and Marcelo Di Chiara
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 18, 2014

Getting Darker

We are on the second half of the wonderful Smallville: Chaos mini.  Up until now, Bryan Q. Miller has given us the mystery of Eclipso, the Earth-hoping of Lois and Superman, the shadowy plans of Lex Luthor and so much more. Each story has been told as a separate entity, but I'm guessing they will each converge into a grand finale. While we see the start of that in this issue, that's not what makes it kick ass.  No, that distinction goes to the guest stars.  Miller is so good at bringing back characters from earlier books just when they're needed and also at introducing new ones.  This issue proves that in spades.

Supergirl #33 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Tony Bedard
Art By: Jeff Johnson, Emanuela Lupacchino
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 16, 2014

Out Of The Red

Last issue of Supergirl we saw our Red Lantern Girl of Steel kicked out the Red Lantern Corps by Guy Gardner.  Well maybe kicked out is a little too harsh, she was politely asked to leave before the war with Atrocitus went down.  So pissed off she decided to go against Guy's advice to go to Mogo and headed back home to Earth.  But what she didn't know is that an army of World Killers set a trap for her and when it came down to her and their leader World Killer-1, we found out that the thing in control was the armor not the alien.  It was a kryptonian armor that wants to bond with Supergirl and the two fight into Earth's atmosphere that you readers of Superman will know is poisoned by a kryptonite bomb to repel all Kryptonians from Earth.  So the final battle with World Killer-1 is on and with it the final tale of Supergirl as a Red Lantern.  Let's check it out.

Top 5 Fridays: Top 5 Worst Sidekicks In DC Comics

With Teen Titans being relaunched this week and with all the possibilities of team members that might join in the future.......... and because I already did a Top 5 on characters I'd like to see join the Titans, I got frustrated and became a Negative Nancy which led to this week's list of Top 5 Worst Sidekicks In DC Comics.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Batwoman #33 Review

Written by: Marc Andreyko
Art by: Jeremy Haun and Scott Kolins
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 17, 2014

Total Drama Rooftop

If you ask me, Batwoman is one of the most underrated books in the New 52.  It doesn't hinge on it's ties to the mighty Batman, instead focusing on Kate Kane's personal life as well as her caped exploits.  Of course, her personal life caused controversies in the past, but I promised to stop talking about that nonsense and move on.  So move on, I will.

Marc Andreyko opens the issue with my favorite cliche, the dream sequence.  It's all vampirey and bitey and...not real.  It shows Kate's inner grief when it comes to Maggie and her daughter, Jamie.  It also has alot to do with Nocturna.  Hmmm...

Red Hood and The Outlaws #33 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Scott Lobdell
Art By: RB Silva
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 16, 2014


Last month in Red Hood and The Outlaws, we saw our heroes taking out a terrorist cell hell bent on nuking Washington DC.  But really even if it's a bunch of armed insane goons with a nuke, my money's still on the Outlaws.  Yeah our heroes saved the day but before they could crack open the first celebratory beer, they were knocked out and kidnapped.  The trio were brought to the "Ant Farm" the flying miniature HQ of S.H.A.D.E., where we discovered that among other things that Kirk Langstrom now works for the super secret agency and they've discovered an alien ship sending a distress signal out for Starfire.  When Kori enters the ship she's only in there for a moment before she flies out screaming.  So let's see what all the hubbub is about as we dive into this month's Red Hood and The Outlaws.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The New 52: Futures End #11 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Dan Jurgens, Keith Giffen
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 16, 2014

One Is The Loneliest Number When You're Firestorm

It's quick recap time to get you through this week's issue of Futures End.  Last week Five Years From Now jerk off Helmeted Superman was acting oddly on his search for the escaped convict Ethan Boyer, making us think he might not be the present day Doomed Superman.  The Batman Beyond Terry McGinnis decided to team up with the trio of villains Key, Plastique and Coil to break back into Terrifitech, Hawkman is alive and well and plans on finding the thing that killed Storm Watch and Big Barda made her Futures End appearance.  That was last week but another tidbit of info you might need is the JLA want Firestorm back in action and some kind of Robot Brainiac Monster was unleashed when some treasure hunters searching for fortune and glory entered a hidden temple.  So yeah.... Robot Brainiac Monster.  Let's check it out.  

Robin Rises: Omega #1 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Peter J. Tomasi
Art By: Andy Kubert
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: July 16, 2014

Batman Kicks Everyone's Ass

We've been working towards this for a long long time now and it's time to start the story that determines the ultimate fate of Damian Wayne.  I hope you've been reading Batman and *INSERT NAME HERE* because it's led us here and I'm not about to recap that whole mess.  All you need to know is that Batman has been on the hunt for Damian and Talia's stolen bodies which obviously led to Ra's Al Ghul.  As Batman confronts Ra's about the theft, Glorious Godfrey booms in with a legion of Parademons and Apololiptian soldiers.  Let's see what these knuckleheads want as we dive into the story that hopefully sees my little pumpkin headed boy back in action.

Teen Titans #1 Review and *SPOILERS*

Written By: Will Pfeifer
Art By: Kenneth Rocofort
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 16, 2014

Speed 3: Terror In Times Square

Here we are guys and gals the beginning of the relaunched series of Teen Titans!  While I love the Titans this relaunch is simply ridiculous and serves little purpose other than to trick people into thinking this isn't the awful Titans they were reading two months ago.  Well they got my money, so I guess it's worked so far.  Let's dive into this pseudo new series and see if Will Pfeifer and Kenneth Rocafort can make a go of this title and explain to me all the reasons why these Titans are so different that they needed to brand this as a #1.